This is your free online course about how to get involved in animal rights as a practical activity. We live in an animal holocaust and mass extinction of human making - a war on animals - about which people give no thought. People kill vastnumbers of animals: two million pigs a week in the US alone and over 70 billion chickens annually worldwide. So let's defend animal life and Nature and promote a humane society. Please act upon this course. Check its contents below .
"The greatest threat to people is ignorance.
The greatest threat to animals is ignorant people"
The data on this network is for information purposes only, and should not be used for any illegal activities as defined by the jurisdiction you live in. Global Wildlife Warriors does not support or encourage any form of harassment and or any illegal activities; nothing on our network has the purpose of inciting such behavior, and we request that all communications are kept polite and all actions are conducted within the confines of the law.
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Our Mission
We Stand In Defense Of The Defenseless
No Matter Where Or What Species
The Time Has Come
The Gathering Has Begun
We Must Defend The Defenseless
Put Down Your Shields Of Separation
Now We Must Battle Together As Warriors
We Must Lay Siege To This Global Disgrace
Brave Hearts Will Put An End To These Atrocities
Coming Soon To A Neighborhood Near You
Rising Sun Productions
Rising Sun Productions produces videos about environmental issues, such as dolphin captivity and the drive hunts in Taiji, Solomon Islands and Faroe Island.
Its aim is to create a sense of empathy among people for non-human persons and educate humans on various issues concerning marine life, such as whaling, sealing, dolphin killing, and holding cetaceans in captivity.